Dr. Nathan T. Johnson
Biomedical Lead

Dr. Nathan T Johnson is a hybrid of microbiology, molecular biology, and bioinformatic training across the USA.  He holds a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from Worcester Polytechnical Institute (WPI) from Worcester, MA, an MS in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Missouri, and a bachelor’s in biology and a minor in chemistry from Evangel University in Springfield, MO.  Over the past 15 years, Dr. Johnson has been involved in a wide range of research endeavors that span oncology, immunology, stem cell biology, animal model development, and published peer-reviewed scientific papers. 

Dr. Johnson currently works as an Investigator at H3 Biomedicine, a pre-clinical Pharmaceutical Company focused on oncology drug development.  Previously, he has been part of the Laboratory of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School, Breast Tumor Immunology Lab at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Takeda, Chestnut Labs, Mouse, and Rat Resource Centers in Columbia, MO, and Children’s Mercy Hospital.


David Tawil


Jules Trocchi